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Editing Task Card Validation Pop-Up

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:32 am
by TechTeam
When a Job Number is opened and set to VALIDATE TAKS CARD='Y', the Program ensures that only valid, open Tasks can have Materials and Man Hours booked out to these tasks. The internal workings of CAFAM has two separate files to hold this Tasking data. They are relationaly linked. One file handles the actual Textual data entry/edit for the"Defect" and "Rectification" that took place whilst the other file handles the control of this Materials and Man Hours booking out process. This task data file handles and records other issues e.g. a moving estimate of Man-Hrs, the customers approval reference, etc. These screen shots illustrate "where to go" to access and update or change the information in this pop-up task data file

Please see the attached for screen shots